Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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Foundation for Emerging Nations

Published: Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A high percentage of all clinical decisions are influenced by the results of laboratory medicine investigations. Consequently, patient safety and clinical outcomes are dependent on the quality of laboratory medicine services.

In emerging nations there is scope for improvement in the quality of laboratory medicine services but educational support is required.

IFCC Members may assist the Foundation for Emerging Nations - FEN, in identifying and supporting suitable development projects.

Projects shall be educational in nature and may occur at undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Suitable projects will be in line with the Mission, Aims and Overall Strategic Direction of IFCC, although the FEN is not restricted to supporting projects nominated by IFCC Members.

IFCC has provided ‘start-up’ finance for the FEN. Further sponsorship may be provided by:

  • Other Charitable Trusts active in healthcare
  • Global commercial organisations active in healthcare
  • National or international organisations with an interest in education in health
  • Individual donors interested in improving patient safety in emerging nations

Potential donors to the FEN are encouraged to contact the Chair of the Board of Directors ( to discuss their donation and how it may be used and acknowledged.

Learn more about Foundation for Emerging Nations and visit its website at:

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