Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC eNews Mar - Apr 2016

Published: Friday, April 8, 2016


Read the IFCC eNews  March - April 2016

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In memory of Prof. Daniel Mazziotta, EB Member - En memoria de Prof. Daniel Mazziotta, Miembro del Consejo Directivo IFCC (2015-2016)

The IFCC Committee on Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM)

Results of an International Survey on Laboratory Terminology

Roche Conference on Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease

Shaping the Future of Laboratory Medicine: Clarifying the Vision

The Foundation for Emerging Nations (FEN)

The Increasing Clinical Effectiveness (ICE) Award

World Accreditation Day: 9 June 2016

Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD)

Abbott initiative: heart-saving awareness campaign for women


  • IFCC support for education in clinical chemistry in Malawi
  • News from the Medical Technology and Laboratory Society (MTLS) of Jordan
  • Status of clinical laboratories in Nepal: past and present
  • EFLM Task and Finish Group on “Total Error” (TFG-TE)
  • Focus on the activity of the EFLM Working Group on Cardiac Markers (WG-CM)
  • EFLM Walter Guder Award
  • EFLM Bursary programme to attend the EFLM-UEMS Congress in Warsaw
  • EFLM e-seminar 2016 (April-June)
  • An outline history of European representation in IFCC
  • EFLM General Meeting 2016
  • The 1st IVD Symposium in İzmir, Turkey

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