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News from the IFCC Task Force on Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (TF-PLM)

Published: Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New website

The Taskforce would like to announce the new updated TF-PLM website is live (/task-force-paediatric-laboratory-medicine-web-pages/). It highlights the work that the task force is doing in improving the diagnosis and management of patients from birth to adolescence. There are detailed pages on current activities including the harmonisation of paediatric reference ranges, the International Congress of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (ICPLM) and many useful links to education and professional journals.

 ICPLM 2014 Announcement

The dates of the next ICPLM will be from 20th to 22nd June 2014, prior to the IFCC-WorldLab in Istanbul, Turkey. The exciting symposium programme will include the following areas: screening, the neonate, nutrition, endocrinology, immunology, paediatric cancers, reference ranges, pediatric lab tests, hot topics and education. We will announce the plenary speakers in spring with full details following in September 2013. Please save the dates for this exciting pediatric focused meeting which would be ideal for both the specialist and non specialist laboratory medicine professional. Please go to the ICPLM 2014 webpage for more information.

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