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El Microscopio - Radio 4 Internet

Published: Friday, November 2, 2012


The Microscope, a space to inform, to debate problems and find solutions

The Ibero American Radio of Clinical Biochemistry, The Microscope, supported by the IFCC and organized by the WG IANT Ibero-American Nomenclature and Translations and the Committee of Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM) is an online radio program transmitted every Wednesday from 1.00 to 2.00 pm, Argentina (GTM -3). The programs are stored online after their live transmissions on the website and anyone with only Internet connection will be able to play them anytime or download the files in mp3 format.

The English language files can be accessed by clicking on this link.

"El Microscopio" -  un espacio para informar, debatir problemas y encontrar soluciones

Hemos lanzado la radio iberoamericana de bioquímica clínica "El Microscopio" auspiciada por la IFCC, organizada por el Grupo de Trabajo Iberoamericano "WG IANT-Ibero-American Nomenclature and Translations" y el Comité  "C EBLM - Medicina de Laboratorio Basada en la Evidencia".
"El Microscopio" es un programa de radio de una hora de duración, que se emite semanalmente a través de Internet. Se trasmite los miércoles a partir de las 13:00 hs., hora de Argentina (GMT - 3), aunque todos los programas podrán ser escuchados en cualquier momento a través del portal

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