Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Personal Support (WG-PS)

The Working Group on Personal Support was closed in March 2022 







Welcome to the IFCC programmes for Personal Support. As the name implies IFCC aims to support individual practitioners in laboratory medicine by connecting them to experienced people from the wider laboratory medicine community. This connection will enable a one-to-one exchange, usually by email, of information and advice.

Two related Personal Support programmes are available:

Register of Experts



IFCC has established a database of experts from around the world who have offered to share their scientific or management expertise with senior trainees or newly qualified laboratory medicine practitioners. The collaboration will be short-term and will relate to a specific topic raised by the enquirer.

Find an Expert

Practitioners wishing to contact an Expert should click on the link below. This will link you to the list of available expertise and the experts who are willing to provide information or advice. To contact an Expert, it is necessary for the enquirer to complete a short form, which is submitted to the IFCC Office. 

To contact an Expert, click here

Apply to be an Expert

IFCC is keen to expand the number of Experts on its database. Therefore, the WG-PS invites senior practitioners with expertise in one or more areas of laboratory medicine to apply to be an Expert. This process involves completion of a short form, which is submitted to the IFCC Office for consideration by WG-PS.

To apply to be an Expert, click here


Mentoring is defined as a voluntary process in which an experienced individual helps another person develop his or her goals and skills through a series of time-limited, personal, one-on-one conversations and other learning activities. Therefore, mentoring is more broadly based and is likely to take longer than contacting an Expert on a specific topic.

The experienced individual in a mentoring relationship is known as the Mentor. The individual seeking support is known as the Associate (or Mentee).

The IFCC Mentoring programme is intended to support Associates who are in the final stages of their training as laboratory medicine specialists or who are newly appointed clinical laboratory directors who are seeking to improve the quality of their laboratory with the aim of laboratory accreditation. Typically, Associates are based in developing countries whilst Mentors are experienced, including recently retired, laboratory medicine specialists.

Request Mentoring

Associates wishing to apply to use the Mentoring programme should click on the link below. This will take you to a short registration form, which is submitted to the IFCC Office. The WG-PS for will evaluate the application and then arrange an introduction to the most appropriate Mentor.

To request Mentoring, click here

Apply to be a Mentor 

IFCC is keen to expand the number of Mentors on its database, including those who speak languages other than English. Therefore, the WG-PS invites senior laboratory directors, including recently retired persons, to apply to be a Mentor. This process involves completion of a short form, which is submitted to the IFCC Office for consideration by WG-PS.

To apply to be a Mentor, click here


Name Position Country Term Time in Office
G. Beastall Chair UK 2nd 2021 01 - 2023 12


Terms of Reference

This new initiative for the EMD aims to make available to laboratory directors in developing countries the expertise and knowledge of a selected group of laboratory directors from developed countries. A pool of Mentors has been created each of whom will provide one-to-one support to laboratory directors (Associates) from developing countries. Associates are nominated by IFCC Member societies and are matched with the most suitable Mentor. The one-to-one support is provided using electronic communication.


Chair's contact




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