Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

White book on the clinical laboratory in catalonia


Contributed by Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu, ACCLC President, and IFCC News Working Group, and Jaume Mir�-Balagu�, ACCLC Vice-President

The Catalan Association for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (ACCLC) recently has published a white book on the clinical laboratory in Catalonia, a nation in the kingdom of Spain (European Union), whose autonomous government holds the healthcare administration.

This short book reviews the evolution of the clinical laboratory in this country in the last 20 years and shows a detailed picture of their present. Later on, the book contain a SWOT analysis that shows the internal strengths and weaknesses, and an external opportunities and threats of the clinical laboratory community. From this analysis, many strategic lines are derived. Finally, the book shows many proposals of improvement to be addressed to different academic or governmental institutions. Although these proposals are generally of local scope, some of them are applicable to many countries:

  • promotion of accreditation according the standard IS 15189,
  • promotion the use of nomenclature and units recommended by IFCC-IUPAC,
  • establishment of national or international metrological requirements,
  • promotion of objective structured professional examinations (OSPE) for clinical laboratory professionals,
  • creation of a university degree in clinical laboratory science (called clinical biology by the European Council) at master or doctoral level.
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