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IFCC CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR 2007 IFCC/Abbott Award for Significant Contributions to Molecular Diag

Award for Significant Contributions to Molecular Diag

IFCC CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR 2007 IFCC/Abbott Award for Significant Contributions to Molecular Diag

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce a call for nominations for the 2007 IFCC/Abbott Award for Significant Contributions to Molecular Diagnostics. The Award is sponsored by Abbott Molecular Inc. and has been created to honour an individual who has made unique contributions to the promotion and understanding of Molecular Biology and its application in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine throughout the world.

This award is given annually on the occasion of either an International or a Regional IFCC Congress. Previous winners of this award are Professor Peltonen (2002), Professors Bertina and Reitsma (2003), Professor Ferrari and Professor Wittwer (2005).

A nomination package needs to include (1) a statement as to the reasons for the nomination, highlighting the accomplishments of the individual, which warrant the nomination and (2) a complete curriculum vitae of the nominee including a bibliography. This documentation together with the nominating letter should be in English. The nominee need not be aware that a nomination has been made on her or his behalf. The officers of the IFCC or members of the IFCC Awards Committee are not eligible for the award during their tenure of office.

Nominations should be mailed to Professor Carl A. Burtis, chair of the IFCC Awards Committee before December 31, 2006 at the following address:

Professor Vladimir Palicka

Charles University, University Hospital
Institute for Clinical Biochemistry and Diagnostics
CZ-500 05 Hradec Kralove
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 49 583 2129
Fax: +420 49 583 2003

Respectfully yours,

Vladimir Palicka

Chair, IFCC Awards Committee

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