Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

eNewsletter 2013 January - February

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IFCC Roche Scholarships World Map -1


The following quotes are taken from the reports received from the recipients of the awards

Alejandra Arias - Argentina.png
María Alejandra Arias
Confederación Unificada Bioquímica de la Republica Argentina (CUBRA) "..opportunity to exchange views with different members of this family, always, taking me very positive contributions to my society, from the scientific to the institutional…"
Nairo Sumita - Brasil.png
Nairo M. Sumita
Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SBPC/ML)

"The participation of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the IFCC General Conference will assist in the development of the strategic planning based on the vision of the future presented and discussed during the conference. The event also provided an opportunity to learn about the activities undertaken by the IFCC and by the regional organizations".

Eduardo Aranda - Chile.png
Eduardo Aranda
Chilean Society of Clinical Chemistry (SCHQC) "The highlights of these reports were to listen to the diverse experiences of IFCC Regional Federations. It was also very interesting to know the vision about clinical laboratories in the future from a professional perspective as well as from the diagnostic industry".
Mohamed Shaaravy - Egypt.png
Mohamed Shaarawy
The Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Laboratory Sciences (ESCC) "The exchange of Ideas and fruitful discussions between members attending IFCC General congress paved the way for creative ideas to all societies. I can't forget the birthday dinner and celebrations at the end of IFCC General Congress".
Gizachew Taddesse - Ethiopia.png
Gizachew Taddesse Akalu
Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association (EMLA)

"I was particularly interested on presentation topics like:
- Directions in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Strategic action plan and organogram of IFCC
- Influencing clinical outcomes
- The future of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
- Supporting laboratory medicine in the developing world
- Promoting evidence based practice
- Method standardisation and harmonization

and the IFCC Visiting Lecturer Programme. All these and others will impact upon the focus and activities of our National Society. With the ultimate objective of improving the health status of Ethiopians through the delivery of quality health care".
Hera Yuliana Intantri - Indonesia.png
Hera Yuliana Intantri
Indonesian Association for Clinical Chemistry (HKKI) "The conference was wonderful. I've got a lot of things from this conference, friends from other countries, opportunities to know about scientific field in each country, share experience about scientific action in every part of the world, to open our mind and know what we can do for our society".
Salwa Amarin - Jordan.png
Salwa Amarin
Jordan Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences (JSMLS) "Being on the verge of presidency of a coming Jordanian Conference, to be held on the 23/03/2013, I found myself gaining new information which I added to my experience in my country, and will help and without doubt, in making my conference a success, as a result to this new information. Now, and after returning home, I try to deliver over this experience to the younger generations of scientists, and i have strong determination and with sincerity, to participate in as much of the future coming IFCC conferences, as possible".
Adel Mastori - Lebanon.png
Adel Mastori
Lebanese Society of Clinical Biology

"I learned a lot from this, bearing in mind that organizing successful and attractive scientific activities is an essential part of the work of any syndicate like ours.

On the practical side, I greatly enjoyed the presentations made the first day by the President of IFCC and the chair persons of the different committees and working groups. That was very beneficial and quite inspiring. For once, I came to have a good idea about what exactly IFCC is about, its input, involvement and fields of interest. That was the opportunity to get closely acquainted with the vision, strategic planning and the action plans of such an esteemed organization".

Rosa Sierra Amor - Mexico.png
Rosa I. Sierra-Amor
Asociación Mexicana de Bioquímica Clínica, A.C. (AMBC) "My particular interest in IFCC GC was to attend the workshops, which were very well organized, perhaps not too much time given, but at least we could meet the chairs and members of WG, Committees, Divisions and IFCC office ladies. The opportunity to explain our concerns about how IFCC is getting to the public, how to develop strong tides with health care and professional organizations, how to implement standardization programs such as the creatinine standardization program, that in the case of Mexico is going to be launched 2013. This activity will help Mexican laboratories to improve the quality of the service".

Ben Jelloun -Morocco

Mohammed Touimi Benjelloun

Société Marocaine de Chimie Clinique (SMCC) "I was very glad to be part of the IFCC general conference as a representative of the Moroccan society of clinical chemistry. All of the topics covered were of great significance in terms of quality, standardization of methods, and communication levels".
Binod Kumar Yadav - Nepal
Binod Kumar Yadav
Nepal Association for Medical Laboratory Sciences (NAMLS) "It was really a great honour for me to establish Nepal flag among the different international flag in the IFCC community through the NAMLS.IFCC is providing the different opportunity to the medical laboratory professional of Nepal. This conferences provided the opportunity to discuss the new issues to the IFCC executive and committee chair and I got the opportunity to discuss the experiences of IFCC VLP program in Nepal last year and future plan of NAMLS in which I have proposed for the next IFCC VLP program on Laboratory management and laboratory accreditation in 2013.Most of the member were agreed and more probably we will be going to organize the next IFCC VLP workshop in Nepal next year and this is again one of the benefit of this general conference to NAMLS".
Mabel Charles Davies - Nigeria.png
Mabel A. Charles-Davies
Association of Clinical Chemists Nigeria (ACCN) "However, as the Nigerian Representative in the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), I decided to attend the interactive workshops on Management Issues that would be of benefit to my national society-The Association of Clinical Chemists of Nigeria (ACCN). These workshops - Supporting Laboratory Medicine in the Developing world, How can Members get more out of IFCC? and 'Labs are Vital' and other Public Relations were adequately handled. The interaction was good and we had good time asking and understanding issues that were vague. The lessons learnt would be used to improve the ACCN".
Adnan Zubairi - Pakistan
Adnan Mustafa Zubairi
Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists "Major attraction was first hand interaction of my national society, Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists (PSCP), with the IFCC, the regional associations and all the national societies. This interaction was important to get the personal liaison with them, and meet the people which were only accessible on e-mails only".
Osama Najjar - Palestine
Osama Najjar

PMTA President (Palestine)

"The interactive workshops were great in its organization, presentation, and the discussed topics. These topics were an added quality to the General Conferences of the IFCC. In which it helped me to understand many items in the IFCC tasks and duties. One of them was "How can members get more out of IFCC", this workshop was so informative and very important".
Javier Barua Chamorro - Paraguay.png
Javier Barua Chamorro
Asociación de Bioquímicos del Paraguay (ABP) "Perhaps most important was the opportunity to interact and share experiences and future projects with professionals from around the world in an atmosphere of camaraderie that allowed to make new friends. Paraguay is a developing country and as such, to achieve a level of excellence in health services, still must overcome many barriers".
H. Weerawarna -Sri Lanka
Hemachandra Weerawarna
Association for Clinical Biochemistry, Sri Lanka (ACBSL) "My special attention was on the workshop 'Chronic kidney diseases - getting it right. The reason for selecting this topic was the present undiagnosed epidemic of Chronic Kidney disease prevailing in North Central Province of Sri Lanka of which the root cause has yet to be established. I also appreciate one of the ideas given during this session "Laboratories as the best vehicle for implementing a national program for the early detection of CKD" and to serve laboratories as the "hub" for information flow. While attending this work shop I conceived the idea of validating the e- GFR equation for Sri Lankan population".
Kamel Kebbewar - Syria.jpg
Mohamad Kamel Kebbewar
Syrian Clinical Laboratory Association (SCLA)

"As to the things that I benefited from this meeting, here is a short summary:

1. The emphasis of laboratory management was an interesting topic that well presented, and this is an essential point that we needs to focus on in the coming year as part of the SCLA.

2. The IFCC has programs that focus on advancing laboratories in developing countries. We would like to see a more mandatory programs that are encouraged in the developing countries".

Laura Yametti - Uruguay.png
Laura Yametti
Asociación Bioquímica Uruguaya (ABU)

"Attending to this event was an enriching experience that allowed me to get to know more in depth the objectives and functioning of the IFCC, as well as the regional experiences of member countries. this IFCC conference enabled me to get to know colleagues from around the world, their problems and concerns in the clinical laboratory area and allowed me to exchange opinions on the future approach to the solution of the presented problems. This event stood out for its nice environment and its interesting subject".

Pham Thien Ngoc.jpg
Pham Thien Ngoc
Vietnam Association of Clinical Biochemists (VACB)

"I learnt some good things from conference with position as a vice president and general secretary of VACB".

Hilary Lumano - Zambia.jpg
Hilary Lumano
Biomedical Society of Zambia (BSZ) "As President of the Biomedical Society of Zambia (BMSZ) the opportunity allowed me to appreciate what other professional biomedical societies are doing in their respective countries and also in their respective regions. Having just been admitted as members of the IFCC attendance of the congress gave me further insight on what the organizations vision and mission are".
Hilda Matarira - Zimbabwe.png
Hilda T Marima-Matarira
Association of Clinical Biochemists in Zimbabwe (ACBZ) "I was exposed to a high level of organizational skills of the IFCC and Laboratory Medicine Executive Board and Secretariat and the Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemists; in the choice of accessible excellent venue, hospitality and efficiency of the conference management. This will be shared with the ACBZ".
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