Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

eJIFCC - Vol 26 No 2

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eJIFCC Volume 26 no 2 - March 2015


Click here to download a PDF of the full issue.
1 Prostate cancer genetics: a review
Christopher J.D. Wallis, Robert K. Nam
2 Metabolomics and its application to the development of clinical laboratory tests for prostate cancer
Jonathan E. McDunn, Steven M. Stirdivant, Lisa A. Ford, Robert L. Wolfert
3 Testosterone deficiency - establishing a biochemical diagnosis
Yonah Krakowsky, Ethan D. Grober
4 Clinical relevance of trace bands on serum electrophoresis in patients without a history of gammopathy
TanYa Gwathmey, Monte Willis, Jason Tatreau, Shaobin Wang, Christopher McCudden
5 Organization of the POCT unit
Jayesh Warade
6 Knowledge on the theory of biological reference values in Latin America
Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu
7 A new database on the "Effects on Clinical Laboratory Tests" is now available
Oswald Sonntag


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