Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

eJIFCC - Vol 16 n° 2

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eJIFCC Volume 16 no 2 - 2005

1 The 4th FESCC Continuous Postgraduate Course in Clinical Chemistry: New trends in diagnosis monitoring and management of tumour diseases
Elizabeta Topić
2 Basic concepts of cancer: Genomic determination
Edith Oláh
3 Interaction between cell death and cell proliferation in cancer
Tihana Žanic Grubišic
4 Global approach to biomedicine: Functional genomics and proteomics
Kresimir Pavelic, Marijeta Kralj, Sandra Kraljevic, Mirela Sedic
5 Biology of metastasis with focus on proteases
Tanja Cufer
6 The potential of cancer screening programmes in Europe
Bernard Gouget
7 Cancer and environment
Paolo Mocarelli
8 Tumour markers: Rationale use
Mathias M. Müller, Marietta Vogl
9 Laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of leukaemias and lymphomas at molecular level
Renata Zadro
10 Breast cancer and HER-2/neu
Roy Sherwood
11 PSA and other biomarkers for early detection diagnosis and monitoring of prostate cancer
Michel Langlois, Victor Blaton
12 Colorectal carcinoma
Michael Neumaier, Stefanie Nittka
13 Pharmacogenetic and tumour drugs
Elizabeta Topić
14 Towards automation for molecular diagnosis of cancer
Maurizio Ferrari, Paola Carrera
15 Ethics and quality assessment in genetic testing
Michael Neumaier
16 Proteomics: A study of therapy resistance in cancer cells
Hermann Lage
17 Detection of disseminated cancer cells in blood
Albert W.H., Hauch S., Zieglschmid V., Böcher O.
18 Gene expression profiles - What the clinician needs to know
Koraljka Gall-Troselj


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