Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

eJIFCC - Vol 15 n° 1

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eJIFCC Volume 15 no 1 - 2004

1 Web usability and database connectivity - How to use them in the laboratory
Craig Webster
2 Telemedicine and fictional views of the e-laboratory for better care decisions
Bernard Gouget, Rosa I. Sierra Amor
3 One-armed economists and the Invisible hand: An introduction to Economics
Ian Wilkinson
4 Properties and units for transfusion medicine and immunohaematology (Technical report, IFCC-IUPAC 2003)
Kim Varming, Urban Forsum, Ivan Bruunshuus, Henrik Olesen
5 Telehealth and telebiology - Making healthcare accessible in emerging countries
Rosa I. Sierra-Amor
6 Selection of basic laboratory equipment for laboratories with limited resources - A review
Monica Cheesbrough


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