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Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI)

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Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI)

The Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry, COLABIOCLI, was founded in 1968 in Mar del Plata, Argentina and all local societies of Latin America for Clinical Chemistry are today its members. In December 1968, in the first Congress of the Confederation, we have the presence, of distinguished professionals: Dr. Bernardo Houssay, Argentina (Nobel Prize), Dr. Luis Leloir, Argentina (Nobel Prize), Dr. Martin Rubin and Dr. Cesar Milstein, Argentina (Nobel Prize).

In 1973, The Latin American Confederation of Clinical Chemistry was officially established during the II Congress of Biochemistry in Porto Alegre Brazil.

Since 1968, COLABIOCLI has developed multiple activities regarding scientific matters and professional regulations.

The mission of COLABIOCLI is the improvement of the profession through policies aimed at the continuous improvement of the ethical and scientific standards of Clinical Biochemistry. The main objective is to work together with academic units to reach a consensus of the curricular bases for vocational training in the region and also establish a system of continuous quality improvement in all laboratories in Latin America, with the cooperation of PAHO / WHO, IFCC, the National Societies of Clinical Chemistry, ministries of Public Health and University Authorities in Latin America. 

Since its formation important results have been achieved with respect to implementation of continuous quality improvement programmes. Due to the dynamics of knowledge impacting on the progress of clinical laboratory science and technology it has become essential to strengthen alliances with the academic units in the region, for the purpose of managing knowledge, and specific policies for continuous training. By the asymmetry between the countries of the Confederation, actions are needed to achieve implementation of registration and licensing of the profession and to support programmes of external and internal quality assessment to ensure the results of the laboratory as a contribution to public health.

The Latin American Congress is organised every two years. These conferences have been held in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, República Dominicana, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay and Panama. The average attendance was 1,200 professionals.

One of the main objectives of COLABIOCLI, is give support, to the establishment of programmes of continuous quality improvement in the laboratory

Since 1990 COLABIOCLI, PAHO / WHO with support from other institutions have developed complementary activities:

• Courses and workshops on quality
• Publication of three books on quality assurance
• Visits to various health institutions, to stimulate their interest in our programmes
• Provide control material and of course, to develop them
• Seminar on the Management of External Quality Assessment
• Training courses for tutors on Quality Management System
• Participation in National Congresses and organisation of Latin American Congress
• Financing of visiting lecturer, according to local needs.
• National regulations and registration of laboratories in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela and Uruguay.

On occasion of the Ordinary General Assembly of COLABIOCLI that took place in Panama City on September 12, 2019, during the XXIV Latin American Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, at the Megapolis Convention Center, the election of the authorities of the Executive Committee for the next biennium, coming from the National Entities members of the countries that make up the COLABIOCLI was made.
The Executive Committee is composed by below mentioned Members:

President: Dr. Álvaro Paul Justiniano Grosz (Bolivia)
Vice-President: Dr. Luiz Fernando Barcelos (Brazil)
Secretary: Dr. Rosa Inés Escalier Torrejón (Bolivia)
Treasurer: Dr. Lisandra Katya Morales Jurado (Bolivia)
Member: Mgter. Jovanna Borace (Panama)
Member: Dr. María Elena Arredondo (Chile)
Member: QF Fernando Antúnez (Uruguay)
Past President: Dr. QF Stella Raymondo (Uruguay)

COLABIOCLI has developed the following programmes: (1) Quality Management; (2) for standard operating procedures, (3) documents laboratory (4) internal control and external quality assessment, (5) internal and external audits, (6) continuing education and training, (7) biosafety standards, (8) preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment.

COLABIOCLI also managed to achieve goals in the records of national regulation, in: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay and Ecuador and, recently, Bolivia.

COLABIOCLI also promotes the implementation of external quality assessment and has an ethical commitment to institutions and professionals of health.The countries with External Quality Assessment are: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Spain and Uruguay.

Goals achieved:

1. External Quality Assessment in 89% of countries.
2. Preparation of control samples: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Uruguay.
3. Guide to Accreditation, Quality Management Course First Edition 2005 Second Edition 2009.
4. Establishment of a Quality System.
5. Audit of Quality Management Systems.
6. In October 2008, the National Clinical Society of Colombia, held the course, auditing for members of all countries of South America.
7. In June 2009, the National Society of Clinical Chemistry Panama, conducted an auditing course for delegates from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
8. Meetings were organised external quality assessment in: San Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador and Colombia.

Strategies and Objectives:

1. The completion of the registration procedures, in all countries
2. Innovation of the External Quality Programme,
3. Developing professional resources to manufacture reference materials
4. Continuing with the efforts for the establishment of a Quality Control Programme in the Latin American countries.
5. To actively involve of health authorities; continuity of local distance learning programmes, and implementation of national and international guidance for the accreditation programme.

In addition to these programmes, COLABIOCLI, implements and administers a programme of visiting professors. This programme ensures participation of Lecturers in the Congress of the National Institutions that require it, according to your needs.

One of the policies of COLABIOCLI also includes visits to Ministers of Health, university authorities and national health programmes to strengthen at laboratory professionals and their activities. Many of the activities described above have been supported by PAHO/WHO, in cooperation with the IFCC.







Dr. Álvaro Justiniano Grosz
Calle Antezana 847
Atlanta Tower Building
Floor 4 - Of. eleven
Mobile: + 591 71860232
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