Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Executive Board: 2012-2014 Biographies

Prof. Jocelyn M.B. HICKS, Past President

 Prof. Jocelyn M.B. HICKS

4329 Van Ness Street,
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DC 20016-5625

Jocelyn M. B. Hicks, PhD, DSc., FRCPath is Executive Director Emeritus at Children's National Medical Centre and Professor Emeritus of Paediatrics and Pathology at The George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC, US.

Most recently Dr. Hicks was the Chief Operating Officer of the Genetics and Fairfax Identity Divisions of The Genetics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia. Prior to that, she was Chair of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Executive Director of the Centre for Complex Diseases at the Children's National Medical Centre (CNMC), Washington, DC. While at CNMC Dr. Hicks held many leadership positions, including President of the Medical Faculty Associates, membership on the Leadership Council, membership on the Hospital's Board of Directors, and was a Board member of the Children's Hospital Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the hospital. She currently does volunteer work in a local hospice.

Dr. Hicks obtained a BSc. (Honours) in Physiology and her MSc. in Biochemistry from the University of London (UK), and a PhD in Physiology and Biophysics from Georgetown University Medical School (US). In 2010 she received a Doctor Science Honoris Causa Degreefrom the University of London. She has over 90 peer-reviewed publications, and many books, including The Neonate, Point-of-Care Testing and the Directory of Rare Analyses. She also has served as editor of many journals. Her academic and administrative interests include paediatric reference values, point-of-care testing and strategic and business planning.

Dr.Hicks is a Past President of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) and has served on its Board of Directors. Within the AACC, Dr. Hicks founded the Van Slyke Society that is devoted to education and research, as well as providing funds for young clinical chemists to attend national meetings.

Dr. Hicks is the founder and Past-President (two terms) of the International Association of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine. Dr. Hicks was Chair of the Publications Division of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC), and introduced the IFCC Website and the IFCC Journal, together with Professor Donald S. Young. Dr. Hicks was the Treasurer and a Board member of the IFCC from 2003-5, and President from 2006-8.

Dr. Hicks' many honours include honorary memberships in the Association of Clinical Biochemists (UK), the Israel Society of Clinical Biochemistry, the Portuguese Association of Clinical Pathology, the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine, the Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, the Tunisian Society of Clinical Biology, the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists, the French Society of Clinical Biology, and the Spanish Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology. Dr. Hicks has received three of the AACC's national awards, and is frequently invited to speak both nationally and internationally.

As Past-President of IFCC she supports strongly the current strategic plan. Prof. Hicks continues her support of several major programs, especially those to help Developing Countries, the Federations and National and Corporate Representatives. These included greatly expanding the Abbott/IFCC Visiting Lecture Programme, adding the Roche/IFCC Travel Scholarships, the IFCC/Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Special Conferences and the Siemens Distance Learning Program.

She founded the African Federation of Clinical Chemistry (AFCC) and attended the inaugural Congress in Nigeria in 2009 and the second Congress in Kenya in 2011.

She changed the format of the General Conference to include actively the National and Corporate Representatives, as well as the Past Presidents. She continued her work with developing countries and Corporations under the leadership of the President, Dr. Graham Beastall.

Her personal interests include cooking, playing bridge, travelling and exercising.

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