Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Executive Board: 2012-2014 Biographies

Dr. Ulisses TUMA, Member †



Rua 7 No. 380Apto 1502
Sector Oeste Giania
GO 74110-090

Dr. Ulisses Tuma, M.D. is Director of Laboratory Moderno Ltda, Goiania, Brazil.

He is a Past-President and Past-Secretary of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Analyses(SBAC) and has served as Chair of the Organizing Committee of a number of Brazilian Congresses of Clinical Analyses. He has  been very active in a number of other professional organizations serving as a member of the Brazilian Council of Pharmacists-Biochemists and as a member of the executive board of the Association of Superior School of War - State of Goiás-Brazil. Dr. Tuma has also served as the President of Regional SBAC for the state of Goiás-Brazil.

Academically, Dr. Tuma graduated with a degree in Pharmacy-Biochemistry- Federal University of State of Goiás-Brazil. His titles include  Specialist in Clinical Analyses by Brazilian Society for Clinical Analyses (SBAC). He has received post graduate training in Cytologyn from the Federal University of State of Goiás-Brazil and in Politics and Strategies from the University of the State state of Goiás-Brazil


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