Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Executive Board: 2021-2023 Biographies

Dr. Ana María LENA RODRÍGUEZ ,  Regional Federation Representative -  COLABIOCLI


Chucarro 1123 apto 301
Montevideo-Uruguay CP 11300


Dr Ana María LENA  (PhD), Clinical Biochemist, Pharmaceutical Chemistry received her  PhD degrees from the University of the Republic of Uruguay in 2004  about Coagulation disorders in diabetic patients. 

Currently, Dr Lena is Professor of Clinical Analysis at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of the Republic. In addition, since 2004, she is in charge of the Hematology Course for students in Clinical Biochemistry.

Previously she was Technical Director of CEAHT Laboratory (Center Specialized in Conditions of Hemostasis and Thrombosis) from 2005 up to 2019. She did a fellowship in Liver Transplantation at the Italian Hospital  of Buenos Aires Argentina. 
From 1997 to 2011 she was Head of the Hematology Service of the Laboratory of the Military Hospital. She was Professor of Biochemistry  at Catholic University.
In the period  2018-2019 she was member of the COLABIOCLI Executive Board as General Secretary .

She is author of research papers and publications in the area of ​​Hemostasis and Thrombosis.

She is CLAHT member  (Latin American Cooperative Group for Hemostasis and Thrombosis) and Vice President of  ICHT (Research and Science in Hemostasis and Thrombosis).

She is member of the Administrative Committee of the Uruguayan Registry of Von Willebrand Disease in Uruguay.

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