Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Executive Board: 2021-2023 Biographies

Prof. Abderrazek HEDHILI, Regional Federation Representative -  AFCB

Laboratoire  de  Toxicologie  CMYAMU
Montfleury 1008  - Tunis

Prof. Abderrazek HEDHILI is Professor of Toxicology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir Tunisia. He is Head of the Biology & Toxicology Laboratories Centre Mahmoud Yacoub d’Assistance Medicale Urgente (CMYAMU). He is the Chair of the Laboratory of Toxicology & Environment research LR12SP07, Consultant Toxicologist for the Tunisian ministries of Health, Social Affairs and Environment, and for the Tunisian control Agency (ANCSEP). He is also member of the Board of Directors INEAS and EPS Jebel Ouest Hospital for drug addicts,Ppresident of  the specialized expert committee on Food and Aliments, Member of the National Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Maritime Pollution Accidents, of the Tunisian Committee on Pesticides. Prof Hedhili is Toxicologist Expert for many international organisations such as WHO ICSCs - WHO advisor on drugs abuse; International labour organization (atmospheric and work polluters) and of the Arab Organization of Work (polluters in the work areas). He is an elected member of the French Academy of Pharmacists since September 2016.

Prof Hedhili has been active in the promotion of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine throughout the world and in particular in the Arab countries and in Africa. His research and professional activities have sizable impact on Clinical Chemistry in general, and toxicology in particular. He has been designed as member of the International Scientific Board of two IFCC Congresses: Berlin 2011 and Istanbul 2014.

Since 1998 Prof Hedhili activities include the organization of several international (Arab, African and Francophone) and national (15 annual “Journées Nationales de Biologie Clinique”, JNBC) conferences, workshops, symposia, and other scientific activities. In addition, he contributed to the organization of the Congresses of the Arab Federation (AFCB) in Morocco (2000), in Tunisia (2004), Syria (2006), in Lebanon (2009), in Jordan and Sudan (2015) and of the 2nd IFCC Conference (Sousse – Tunisia, 2004), and the FIFBCML conferences in Morocco (2008), Tunisia (2010) and Algeria 2019.

Prof Hedhili is member of many International Journals as a scientific board member. He is the author and co-author of 100 published articles, 50 thesis and masters, and he is responsible of the Laboratory of Toxicology & Environment research (50 researchers) and have supervised more than 40 researchers (thesis projects, masters). His  research areas mainly focus on: pesticides, mycotoxins, drug abuse, chemical risks, trace elements, drug monitoring, environmental pollutants, residues of licit and illicit drugs in wastewater, bio and chemical hazards, impact of toxic elements on biological and clinical parameters.

Prof Hedhili has been the General Secretary (1999-2005) and President of the Tunisian Society of Clinical Biology (2005-2011). He served as Secretary, President, Past President and Vice-President of the Arab Federation of Clinical Biology (AFCB) where currently he is President of the Scientific Committee. He was President, Vice-President and member of the Federation International Francophone de Biologie Clinique et de Medicine du Laboratoire, (FIFBCML). He was President of the Tunisian Friendly Pharmacists and General Secretary and Vice-President of Tunisian Pharmacists Council (2011-2016). Prof Hedhili was IFCC Representative of the Tunisian Society (2005 -2011), Corresponding Member of the IFCC C-CC, member of the WG eNews and IFCC EB Member (2018-2020).

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