Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Task Force on Global Newborn Screening (TF-NBS)

Joint Task Force of IFCC and International Society of Newborn Screening (ISNS)




Partner Country Identification Survey


Newborn screening (heel prick testing, Guthrie testing) is a proven, high value public health intervention which is unfortunately not available to babies on much of the planet. The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and the International Society for Neonatal Screening have established a Task Force (TF-NBS) to partner with healthcare professionals and government to support the introduction of screening.

To help identify partner regions and get a current picture of newborn screening worldwide a questionnaire has been developed.

Summarised data will be sent to respondents.


With thanks

TF-NBS Chairs

Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta -US
Prof James R. BONHAM
International Society of Neonatal Screening (ISNS)
National Newborn Screening Laboratory Lead - UK


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International Neonatal Screening Day
28 June 2021

Click here to learn more


The Task Force NBS members during their inaugural meeting.
Prof Adeli, IFCC President participated into the meeting. Dr U. Ceglarek, not portrayed here, was in attendance as well.


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Newborn screening (NBS) reduces infant morbidity and mortality by initiating early detection, treatment, and management of newborns with congenital disorders. Unfortunately, only about one third of infants around the world receive screening at birth, leading to significantly increased risk of disease during childhood and/or adulthood. The IFCC has made NBS a major focus of its strategic plans and presents this LIVE webinar where three world-renowned speakers will present on the state of newborn screening around the world including:

Prof. Piero Rinaldo (USA),

Prof. Jim Bonham (UK)

Prof. Pranesh Chakraborty (Canada).

The webinar recording is available for those who were unable to attend on the live date. Click here


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Name Position Country Term Time in Office
V. Leung-Pineda Co-Chair US 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
J. Bonham Co-Chair/ISNS UK 1st  2021 01 - 2023 12
M.A. Ascurra de Duarte  Member PY 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12 
F. Boemer Member BE 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
U. Ceglarek  Member DE 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
A. Habib Khan Member PK 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
M. Kase Member FI 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
K. Valdyanathan Member IN 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
D. Webster Member/ISNS AU 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
E. Lebredonchel Member/Young Scientist FR 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12
To be nominated Member      
S. Hill EB Liaison CA    



Scope & Mandate

●   Select countries for IFCC’s NBS Pilot Project via a call for participation to IFCC member societies using pre-defined selection criteria. A formal call for participation by developing countries will be issued soon by the IFCC office.
●   Identify potential participating centres (e.g. healthcare facilities and laboratories) and stakeholders (e.g. government ministries and/or agencies) within each Partner Country.
●   Engage with these centres in order to conduct situation assessment (i.e. information in regard to NBS-related diseases as well as resources/barriers in the Partner Country).
●   Identify ways in which the IFCC can provide lacking resources and support.
●   Develop a detailed protocol for an initial Pilot Project specific to each Partner Country. The proposal will be presented to the Partner Country via the respective IFCC member society. The Pilot Project implementation must be conditional on the Partner Country’s commitment to its continuation following IFCC’s initial financial support.
●   Implement the Pilot Project in participating centres in each Partner Country in collaboration with the IFCC member society and other stakeholders.
●   Monitor and evaluate the progress of the overall IFCC NBS Initiative, as well as the progress of specific Pilot Projects, through data collection and on-site/virtual visits by dispatching scientific teams to each Partner Country.
●   Plan for the expansion of the IFCC’s NBS Initiative, as well as the expansion of each NBS Pilot Project.


List of Corresponding Members, nominated by National Societies

Name Full and Affiliate Member Societies
A. Fonseca Sociedade Brasileira de Analíses Clínicas (SBAC)
D. C. Lehotay Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC)
M. W. Gebre Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association (EMLA)
N. Abesadze Laboratory Medicine Association of Georgia (GLMA)
A. R. Pagdhune Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI)
G. Polo Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC)
C. Bee Chin Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemists (MACB)
B. Kumar Yadav Nepal Association for Medical Laboratory Science (NAMLS)
P. Gyawali Nepalese Association for Clinical Chemistry (NACC)
J. I. Anetor Association of Clinical Chemists Nigeria (ACCN)
B. Repič Slovenian Association for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SZKKLM)
T. M. Satekge South African Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SAACB)
H. Rocha Sociedad Española de Medicina de Laboratorio (SEQCML)
E. Sozmen Turkish Biochemical Society (TBS)
C. Queijo Asociación Bioquímica Uruguaya (ABU)


List of Corresponding Members, nominated by Clinical Societies

Name Full and Affiliate Member Societies
G. Borrajo Sociedad Latinoamericana de Errores Innatos del Metabolismo y Pesquisa Neonatal (SLEIMPN)


Chairs' contacts

Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 
1405 Clifton Rd - Atlanta, GA 30329 - US

Prof James R. BONHAM
International Society of Neonatal Screening (ISNS)
National Newborn Screening Laboratory Lead United Kingdom - UK

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