IFCC Feed 2024-07-27T10:52:20Z Insoft Feed Generator /ifcc-news/ IFCC launches a New and Modernized website 2023-03-08T07:01:43Z /ifcc-news/2023-03-06-ifcc-launches-a-new-and-modernized-website/ IFCC Office The IFCC website is the key communication channel for the IFCC, its global network of volunteers, its global projects. We want that it contains all the necessary information about the IFCC and it represents a primary reference and the world of the Laboratory Medicine. As for the current IFCC website it will remain the place for finding information on the IFCC. We used a responsive design so that it can work well on all platforms: we hope that you will find the new website fresh and modern!

IFCC Executive Board Regional Federations and Corpotare Representatives elected for term 2024-2026 2023-03-08T06:59:01Z /ifcc-news/2023-03-06-ifcc-executive-board-regional-federations-and-corpotare-representatives-elected-for-term-2024-2026/ IFCC Office  

The ballot held to confirm (or reject) the nominees for the position of IFCC Regional Federation Representatives for the term 2024-2026, was concluded on February 28th.

Below please find the results of the voting:

The ballot for the election of the Executive Board Corporate Representative for the term 2024-2026 was concluded on February 28th. In summary, 13 companies voted (out of 54 having the right to vote), confirming the candidacy of Ms. Tricia Ravalico, as shown below:

Ms. Tricia Ravalico (Abbott Diagnostics)

Results at link: https://secure.electionbuddy.com/results/VGYJPS7LB7CF

We congratulate warmly the newly elected Regional and Corporate Representatives and we wish them a fruitful time in office for the period 1 January 2024- 31 December 2026.

Rome is waiting for you! 2023-02-27T17:00:10Z /ifcc-news/2023-02-17-rome-is-waiting-for-you/ IFCC Office Enjoy Rome

Enjoy the Congress

click above to see the video

IFCC eNews No 1-2 - January-February 2023 2023-02-14T11:31:00Z /ifcc-news/2023-02-10-ifcc-enews-no-1-2-january-february/ IFCC Office  



IFCC eNews: No 1-2 Jan-Feb 2023

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Full PDF version


    • Message from the eNews editor
    • Message from the IFCC President - February 2023
    • Brief report on my visit to deliver lecture at the conference of Biomedical Society of Zambia
    • Workshop on Flowcytometry - Nov 15 to 17th, 2022 Rabat, Morocco
    • The voice of Corporate Members shined at the 2022 IFCC Industry Forum: advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
    • VLP Report, ACBICON 2022: Assessing AI technologies and Ethics in healthcare services
    • VLP Report, ACBICON 2022: It’s time to look at the LabMed evidence!
    • The IFCC - Abbott VLP Program: VLP Report at the Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Chemists of India
    • IFCC Professional Exchange Programme: A Great Opportunity.
    • The Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI) – Young Professionals Working Group present in CALILAB 2022
    • IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Programme (PSEP): my experience in Fares Taie Biotecnología, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
    • Increased bone biomarker monitoring enables measurably improved care for Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder patients
    • Improving Cancer patients safety, confidence and clinical care through screening healthcare workers for neutralizing COVID-19 IgG antibodies and establishing a COVID-19 convalescent Plasma Bank
    • Combating a global public health challenge through a highly governed clinical care pathway: leading diabetic care best practice from Dubai
    • The Metabolomics: Revolutionizing Chemical Pathology in Pakistan through ChemCon 2022
    • XXII Serbian Congress of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine and 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan Region
    • The V Forum of Academic Units training professionals in Biochemistry and equivalent degrees in Latin America and the Caribbean
    • COLABIOCLI carries out the “1st Latin American Conference of Young Clinical Laboratory Professionals” in a very emotional framework
    • Changing of the guard: Prof. Katell Peoc’h, SFBC President (Nov 2022 - Nov 2025)
    • JIB Paris 2022: an iconic congress in the iconic City of Lights
    • Serbian response to a Western Balkan refugee crisis
    • Kosovo – Spolighton migrants and migration challenges
    • Integrating lab medicine technologies and mobile health services for asylum seekers and refugees - Israel point of view
    • Paris-Italy JIB 2022: Leading AI innovation in genomics
    • 12th Scientific Conference of the Palestinian Medical Technology Association (PMTA)
    • Calendar of IFCC Congresses/Conferences and Regional Federations' Congresses
    • Calendar of events with IFCC auspices
IFCC Secretary and Treasurer elected for term 2024-2026 2023-02-07T07:13:19Z /ifcc-news/2023-02-02-ifcc-secretary-and-treasurer-elected-for-term-2024-2026/ IFCC Office  

The result of the ballot for the election of the Executive Board Secretary and Treasurer for the term 2024-2026, was concluded on January 31st.


Prof. Sergio Bernardini (Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology - SIBioC) is the next Executive Board Secretary.



Dr. Alexander Haliassos (Greek Society of Clinical Chemistry Clinical Biochemistry - GSCC-CB) is confirmed as IFCC Treasurer.

Full details of the ballot may be found from the independent company that conducted the ballot, at following link:



We thank the candidates who campaigned and took part in the IFCC electoral process and acknowledge their steadfast commitment to serving IFCC. We congratulate warmly the newly elected IFCC Secretary and Treasurer and wish them a fruitful time in office for the period 1 January 2024- 31 December 2026.


In memoriam Kor Miedema 2023-02-07T07:13:31Z /ifcc-news/23-02-03-in-memoriam-kor-miedema/ IFCC Office

On Friday January 27th 2023 Dr Kor Miedema passed away unexpectedly. From 1969 till 2005 Kor Miedema worked as Clinical Chemist in the ISALA teaching hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands. In his position as Clinical Chemist Dr Miedema was an esteemed ‘boss’ and charismatic colleague with substantial knowledge and experience, and with a personal style that created connection between collaborators and laboratorians.

Dr. Miedema was deeply involved in groundbreaking work in the field of diabetes diagnostics, which has led both nationally and internationally to substantial improvement of diabetes care. He was one of the visionary and avant-la-lettre proponents of metrological traceability of medical test results within allowable measurement uncertainty, as an essential  fundament for accurate and comparable HbA1c results across the globe. Thanks to his contributions, an IFCC endorsed HbA1c reference measurement system has been established that is until today the reference standard for all field HbA1c tests.  The standardization efforts and analytical performance improvements enabled that HbA1c became not only the biomarker indicated for diabetes monitoring in treated diabetes patients, but also thé test for diagnosing diabetes. The HbA1c reference measurement procedure is still running in his former hospital laboratory, which functions as one of the esteemed calibration labs of the global IFCC standardization network for HbA1c. 

For his impactful contribution in the daily care of diabetes patients Dr. Miedema received at the occasion of his retirement in 2005 a prestigious Dutch Award as Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau.  Dr Miedema will be remembered as a mentor and a great role model for many laboratory specialist and clinical chemists.  He will be greatly missed.


Prof Dr. Christa Cobbaert

Dr. Cas Weykamp


Call for Nominations 2023-02-07T07:13:56Z /ifcc-news/2023-02-06-ifcc-call-for-nominations/ IFCC Office  

IFCC Calls for Nominations



Dr Nilda Fink, Chair of IFCC Task Force on Ethics, is announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the TF-E.

Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 15th February 2023.


Prof. Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education and Management Division, is announcing the extension of the call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-KD.

Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 20th February 2023.



New Task Force on Environmental Impact of Laboratory Medicine and In Vitro Diagnostics: call for nominations for Members positions.

Deadline: 20th February 2023.


Dr Santiago Fare Taie, Chair of IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists (TF-YS), is announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the TF-YS.

Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 28th February 2023.



Applications for these positions should be submitted by IFCC members (National Societies or Corporate members). If you are interested, please refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations. Find your representative HERE

For further information on the open Calls for Nominations, please visit the IFCC Call for Nominations page.


The eJIFCC adopts Editorial Manager (EM) system for manuscripts 2023-01-31T13:02:54Z /ifcc-news/2023-01-31-the-ejifcc-adopts-editorial-manager-em-system-for-manuscripts/ IFCC Office eJIFCC New 2015 Thumb for web.jpg

János Kappelmayer, Editor-in-Chief, eJIFCC, and Harjit Pal Bhattoa, Assistant Editor, eJIFCC are glad to announce that the eJIFCC is adpoting the Editorial Manager for manuscript submission.

In the past years, the eJIFCC has become increasingly visible among laboratory specialists worldwide. This, on the one hand resulted in the increase of the number of downloads of papers published since the eJIFCC is a platinum open access publication, and on the other hand, it resulted in a considerable increase in the number of submissions. We detailed the progress in the advancement of the scientometric parameters of the journal in a review in the eJIFCC in Issue 4 of 2021. In order to cope with the increase in submissions we decided to advance our manuscript handling process, and recently subscribed for the Editorial Manager (EM) manuscript handling system. Editorial Manager is a long-established and one of the best-known editorial submission and manuscript processing program that belongs to Aries. It was was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in North Andover, MA. 

The introduction of Editorial Manager, along with the use of Ithenticate, the most trusted plagiarism checker by the world’s top researchers, publishers, and scholars, will increase eJIFCC reputation among the Scientific journals.

Candidates for Corporate and for Regional representatives members positions within the EB 2023-01-19T07:28:07Z /ifcc-news/2023-01-18-candidates-for-corporate-representative-and-regional-representatives-members-positions-within-the-eb/ IFCC Office CORPORATE MEMBERS' Representative  - time in office 2024-2026

The Nominations Committee, having completed its assessment of nominations, now presents for your consideration the received candidacy for the election of the IFCC Corporate Members' Representative to the IFCC Executive Board. The representative will commence office on January 1st 2024.

The candidate's full details including a personal statement are avaialble by clicking this link
The voting will be held electronically from February 1st to 28th, 2023.

REGIONAL FEDERATIONS' Representatives  - time in office 2024-2026

The Nominations Committee having completed its assessment of nominations, now presents to you the following slate of candidates for the election of the IFCC Regional Federations' Representatives to commence his/her time in office on January 1st 2024:

The candidates's full details including a personal statement are avaialble by clicking this link.

The voting will be held electronically from February 1st to 28th, 2023.

Call for Nominations 2023-01-24T14:40:29Z /ifcc-news/2023-01-22-ifcc-call-for-nominations/ IFCC Office  

IFCC Calls for Nominations



Dr Nilda Fink, Chair of IFCC Task Force on Ethics, is announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the TF-E.

Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 15th February 2023.


Prof. Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education and Management Division, is announcing the extension of the call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-KD.

Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 20th February 2023.



New Task Force on Environmental Impact of Laboratory Medicine and In Vitro Diagnostics: call for nominations for Members positions.

Deadline: 20th February 2023.



Applications for these positions should be submitted by IFCC members (National Societies or Corporate members). If you are interested, please refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations. Find your representative HERE

For further information on the open Calls for Nominations, please visit the IFCC Call for Nominations page.

